Getting Your Keyboard sounds to Playback

• May 26, 2016 - 17:19

Hi all,

I'm on a treasure hunt for the best Notation software that would allow me to import my midi file created by my Yamaha Tyros 5 Keyboard to be playback in MuseScore while watching the notation scroll horizontally. Does MuseScore provide this facility. I own Sibelius v8.3 but it has issues without a Soundset for the Tyros 5. tia

Alan Russell
Pro Arranger since 1968


I'm no sure what you mean by Sibelius having issues without a soundset, though. Do you mean you are trying to play the file in Sibelius and are expecting its internal synthesizer to produce sounds similar to those in your syntheszier? That's not going to be likely no matter what software you use. If on the other hand you mean you are trying to make Sibelius playback using the synthesizer itself, not's not a question of "soundset", that's a question of configuring MIDI out correctly. I have no doubt SIbelius can do this, I just don
t know how. MuseScore, however, does not support MIDI out at all, at least not directly. So you'd normally be playing with MuseScore's own sounds - the fact that the file was originally produced using a Tyros 5 as opposed to some other synthesizer will be irrelevant. If you need to have the playback go through your synthesizer, you'll need to install another program called Jack and then learn to configure that to route the the output of MuseScore to your synthesizer.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hey Marc.

Sibelius needs a Tyros 5 Soundset having all the data banks of the instruments acknowledged when a Tyros 5 created midi file is opened in Sibelius. This Soundset by Jonathan Loving is being considered. His Tyros 4 Soundset has already been created. Sonar X3 Pro as a Daw plays back my Midi files created by the Tyros 5 flawlessly. (It has a Tyros 5 .INS file) What is needed is a fabulous Notation facility like Sibelius to playback those Tyros 5 instruments while monitoring the scrolling notation I have no need for external instruments found in other Notation Software. My clients need to hear the TYROS 5 sounds while demoing my midi files in my studio.

My orchestration are in the Songs Forum of Have a listen, you'll get an idea of what I'm looking for.

Alan Russell

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I do live notation I arrange my 16 individual tracks for analysis. My work flow has been developed for many years. I feel there is a lot of money to be made getting a notation program to do this. Sonar (Cakewalk) can rake in extra bucks if they'd get a sharp notation programmer to improve their notation editing screens. Good luck with MuseScore!

Alan Russell

In reply to by Alan Rosenberg

I guess I still don't understand why you don't just use MIDI out - nothing about "live notation editing as I underatand those terms precludes use of playback via MIDI out. It seems it solves your problem completely. Feel free to explain in more detail what the issue you perceive to be with that solution.

EDIT: hmm, maybe the "sound set" is useful anyhow because it helps Sibelius understand which instruments are at which locations etc, if your synth is not GM standard. You'd need to do equivalent customization yourself in MuseScore, creating a custom instruments.xml file with this information, I think. And still use Jack to handle the actual routing of information.

In reply to by Alan Rosenberg

Any text editor will work just fine to edit instruments.xml. You don't need any special XML editing features, but should you wish to, any XML editor should work - it's a standardized format. What you will need to do, presumably, is edit the program numbers for each of the instruments you use that are not GM-standard. Not sure what else you might need to do. But again, the first step would be installijng and configuring Jack, because otherwise you can't use your synthesizer for output at all - you will be limited to soundfonts loaded within MuseScore.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I took a look at Forte 7 Premium on the trial version. It plays back all of my Tyros sounds when importing a Tryos 5 midi created file on playback. No JACK app used. Why can't Musescore do this? My Device (Tyros 5) is set up properly in your software screen but uses your sounds only in the instrument.XML file. Take a look at forte 7.

Your Screen I/O

API: MME Device: Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input

Midi Input MMSytem, Digital Workstation-1


Alan Russell

In reply to by Alan Rosenberg

MuseScore simply does not support direct MIDI output - only input. The only way to get MuseScore to drive an external synthesizer is via Jack. Some day we might support direct MIDI output, but the primary purpose of MuseScore is notation, not playback, so most of the development effort goes toward notation features, not playback features.

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