Musescore making ties where I don't want them?

• Jun 22, 2016 - 03:31

Ok, so I'm new to musescore and I'm slowly learning but there's this issue I can't fix. Whenever I add like a note to start a chord it creates a tie and copies another of the same note to the next measure! It does this every time if you add to the end of a measure. Changing the note just changes the note tie. How do you turn this off? Being a beginner I'm sure I'll have other questions, but this one is really giving me problems! You can find a pic of The prob here:


You can't put a half note on the last beat of a measure - there rules of music notation don't allow that. If you want a quarter note, simply select the quarter note duration before entering the note.

If that doesn't answer your question, please attach the actual score you are having problems with and give us step by step instructions to reproduce the problem.

Welcome to MuseScore, Hannah! Hard to see very much from that picture, but I can guess that you're trying to enter two half notes in a 3/4 time signature. The second one doesn't fit, so it extends into the next measure as two quarter notes tied across the barline. If you want two half notes in the measure, you'll have to use a different time signature.

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