Read a musescore file with my digital piano sounds via usb

• Jul 11, 2016 - 14:33

You probably can help me, this is a basic question I think, I am a beginner with all that "connecting stuffs").

I have connected my new kawai digital piano to my computer via a usb cable and I a can now play notes with my piano and thoses notes appears on my musescore sheet music. But when I read the musescore sheet, it is the musescore sound which comes out of the speakers of my piano. I would like to read the musescore sheet with the sounds of my digital piano, for exemple by clicking on a button on the piano (piano 1, piano 2, strings,...).Do I have to choose something on the musescore préférences (I really don't know what means MME, windows directsound, Skeleton implementatation, ASI in Préférenes ->E/S-> portAudio ->API)
Is it possible? How can I use the sounds of my digital piano to read the musescore sheet music?
Many thanks for your answer (sorry for my bad english).


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

J'ai installé JACK, mais je bloque à un certain moment, je ne vois pas le "playback" (dans "connection jack audio connection Kit) cf ma copie d'écran ci-jointe.
A vrai dire, je ne suis déjà pas sûr de savoir où je dois mettre le chemin du serveur :jackd -S -R -X winmme (cf ma copie d'écran où je l'ai mis à 3 endroits..).
Ni quelles coches je dois exactement cocher dans musescore - préférences - E/S

Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui est faux dans les 3 copies d'écran ci-jointe? Car pour l'instant aucun son ne sort de mon piano digital ;-((
Merci merci beaucoup pour votre aide précieux.

Attachment Size
Capture.JPG 46.63 KB
Capture2.JPG 62.61 KB
Capture3.JPG 45.31 KB

In reply to by ringude

Does anybody has the answer to help me, looking at the attachments?
Pleaaaaasse, that's so complicated for me ! I really don't know where to write " S -R -X winmme" in JACK to see the "playback" and what to click in musecore->preferences..
Many thanks for your answer,
best regards

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