How to make triplet '3' symbol invisible.

• Oct 15, 2016 - 17:15

Hi everyone, I'm using 2.0.3 to do a transcription of a guitar piece called Romance. The piece could be described as being in 9/8, but I prefer to use a 3/4 time signature and notate using 8th note triplets (similar to how the Moonlight Sonata is often notated). The only issue is that the entire piece is full of notes with the '3' symbol, indicating the triplets, and it looks a little bit untidy. My aim was to include the triplet symbols in the first one or two bars only, and then leave them out thereafter, the idea being that the same rhythm would continue throughout the piece (although it would be technically incorrect). I tried simply selecting and deleting the unwanted '3' symbols, but this deletes all of the notes as well. I looked for a way to set them as invisible but was unable to find a way. I also tried manipulating the time signature properties but this led to more complications. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot! Grant


In reply to by xavierjazz

1) Right-click on a triplet -> Select -> All similar elements.
So, all triplets are highlighted
2) Now: press Ctrl and click on each triplet in the first measure (or two first) for unselect them (image below) -> Release Ctrl -> Press "V" -> Escape.

If wished, to complete: View -> Untick "Show invisible"

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