100% Processor Load while Doing Nothing???

• Feb 17, 2017 - 15:09

Just installed v 2.0.3 this morning.

After the first start which was quite slow I tried to play a score. Having played some bars my system (Win 10) died with a PAGE_FAULT. The friedly folks from MS booted my system for me. Up again next start of MuseScore. Still _very_ sluggish. Hmm. Process Explorer shows around 48% CPU—that’s one core fully loaded. At this point Musescore was open with no file loaded.

Some investigation on the net finally gave the clue: MuseScore 2.0.2 won't start on Windows 10 if Windows Firewall was not running during install .

My firewall is configured to block all traffic in and out unless authorized. The log showed a zillion attempts to contact on port 80. So idling the program wasted my time and held my coffee warm to reach a web server which was down from the program’s pov. Apart from the coffee that’s not a behaviour I consider very smart. The nightly as of today (MuseScoreNightly-2017-02-17-0245-2.1-159fa41.7z) shows the same behaviour while trying to reach on port 443.

Adding musescore.exe & nightly.exe to the exception list effectively solved the problem but drilled another hole in my firewall.

IMHO the number of non-successful connnection attempts should be limited as the main functionality of MuseScore apparently does not depend on an internet connection available.



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I noticed that. Thx for the tip.

But there’s more strange things going on. A Minute ago I made a cross check by disabling the exemption rule in my firewall: even with the rule disabled processor workload is quiet… Now MuseScore tries to connect to an IP in my local net which is as of now not assigned. Strange…

Perhaps some Dev has an idea what’s happening here.


In reply to by Kai-Uwe Schilling

Jojo is right about the update check. You can disable that check in preferences. The other IP is most likely Google Analytics which is loaded in the web view in the start center. You can disable that one too. Please do so and close your firewall again and let us know if that fixed it.

Obviously this problem is not supposed to happen in the first place so could you help us to file this as an issue with the exact steps to reproduce? Note: as we stand on the shoulders of Qt for these network calls, we may want to check at Qt first if this is a known issue or not.

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