Vertical And Horizontal Alignment Controls

• Sep 25, 2012 - 17:34

How about a tool for lining up score elements vertically and horizontally as in many graphics applications? For example the user could use the right click menu to establish one or more vertical and one or more horizontal alignment threads (cross hairs?) and use them to align tempo, dynamics, and performance markings on scores and parts. A "snap to" feature might also be helpful.

I know there has already been some discussion about this in one of the forums. I think there may have been some technical limitations that prevented this being implemented, but it would certainly be a useful and time-saving feature.


Indeed, a common request. 2.0 provides a couple of useful things along these lines: you can constrain drags to be either horizontal or vertical, and you can nudge almost all elements with keyboard either horizontally or vertically. Both features make it easier to get a desired alignment. Still, a grid overlay that appeared while dragging, or something like that, could still help.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Just starting to get to grips with Musescore. Finding lyrics start position is rather high and it wades through a jungle of stems. I then have to find a way through and drag each lyric object into alignment, holding a ruler on the screen to get them accurately lined up. Also if one has to stop and re-start the new text starts again at the default position rather than in line with previous lyrics. Tedious!

Suggestion for new feature: Select a lyrics object. Right click and select Align Lyrics. Lyrics on that line then line up vertically with the selected object.

Another little suggestion: On main screen put little numbers over/under notes on toolbar to remind keyboard alternative - e.g. 5 over crotchet, 6 over minim, etc.

So far very impressed by Musecrore - vastly better than what I used before.

Richard G

In reply to by Richard G

This happens to me esp. when I enter 2 voices in 1 staff.
I then just increase the lyrics distance via Style / Edit General Style / Page / Lyrics upper margin.
Sometimes I instead enter the 1. stanza as it it were the 2nd, i.e. "Ctrl-L", "Return", enter sylable...

Putting those shortcuts into the note icons might be defficult, as they can get configured differently.
But I agree that it would be usefull.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Changing the lyrics upper margin will help but, when space is tight, finding a way through the stems is likely to involve different lyrics positions on different lines. A standard lyrics margin would be of limited help in such circumstances but a facilitity to align lyrics along a line would do the trick very simply and efffectively.

Putting one or more extra would indeed establish several standard positions which could hopefully be edited adding/removing them if necessary. I'll try it.

Re my other post I just tried using Win 7 speech recognition to enter notes/lyrics - but it caused total confusion! I'll have to sit up and use my fingers!

I'm certainly finding that MuseScore is doing what I want - just as with all software one needs to learn how best and to find the nifty tricks.

Thanks for your help.

In reply to by Richard G

Good suggestion on lyric alignment - I think this is probably the biggest weakness in MuseScore right now.

As for hints on note duration shortcuts, do note that they appear on hover. And they are laid out consecutively, 1-9, so you should find you learn them pretty quickly. I would question whether it is really worth taking up space with permanently visible shortcuts.

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