GrandOrgue midi from musescore

• Apr 11, 2017 - 19:20

I made sheet music using MuseScore and exported it to MIDI.
What should I do to make the organ playing also on pedal? I have tried to add the third line - nothing, then to put very low notes - nothing.
Any suggestion?


You've to change the midi channel to "3". At time this isn't able with MuseScore 2.0.3 and also not wit the next released 2.1. But it should be possible to change the midi channel with an sequencer application outside from MuseScore.

Someday, when 3.0 will be released it will be possible to change the midi channel inside the mixer of MuseScore (you can test it already with a nightly build).

In reply to by Astaer

I don't own a digital organ and I haven't installed sequencer software.

Concerning Grand Orgue, I hope we speak about the same:

Please check these files. I used a nightly build of 3.0 (master) from MuseScore.

I added three organs as instrument: one for manual 1, a second for manual 2 and a third for pedal and change the settings for the midi channels (manual 1= chanel 1, manual 2= channel 2, pedal= channel 3)

For me it works.

(note: be aware, the attached mscz file doesn't work wit MuseScore 2.0.3 and 2.1)

Attachment Size
orgue.mscz 6.18 KB
orgue.mid 447 bytes

In reply to by Astaer

Be aware: You don't have to change the midi channels of Grand Orgue settings. You have to change the midi channels of the created midi file before. Either with a sequencer application or with a nightly build of MuseScore 3.0 (master).

In reply to by kuwitt

OK, thank you. It works.
I cannot run the master version on my laptop (Win Vista). I have to try it on my PC during weekend. I will let you know if I have a problem.

I created the stave according to yours in MuseScore 2.0 and it also works. I have to test it on my scores which I have already written.
Thank you.

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