Part Page Formatting Problem

• May 4, 2017 - 16:04

First of all a big Hello to all of you!

I've been using musescore for already a couple of months with great amazement.
I've been using both Sİbelius and Finale at their full capacity and suddenly had to fit my needs into a lightweight laptop with minimum space requirements. That's how I discovered Musescore and so far I wrote very complicated musics with ease even if sometimes I had to do some magic tricks and a couple of dozens of workarounds.

This time I had no chance rather than asking to forum as I checked almost all possible related topics, read the manual twice and none of the suggested solutions worked as I hoped them to be.

The problem is,
I wrote an orchestral piece and extracted parts. Most of the parts were generated as I we all are used to.
But some parts are filling just half of the paper and the rest of the systems are seemingly being forced to be on the next page.

I tried scaling and fitting. But I don't want to reduce my system scaling any lesser than what it is right now. And I am talking just standard scaling, nothing special. So they have to remain as they are.

Page theresold adjustment is %10 and all other percentages were being tried without any result.
Page margins are just the same as the other parts which caused no problems at all.

So do you have any idea what may be the problem or what is set inproperly?
Attached I send what the problem looks like.

Thank you for all and best wishes!

Attachment Size
MusescrProb.jpg 60.69 KB


This first thing I noticed is that there are about 12 measures missing from the part. Have you done something to make them invisible?

I would suggest you save the violin part to it's own file, select it's tab and save it, so you can upload it to the forum. It would even be more helpful to upload the entire score here.

In reply to by Ulgen

Culprit is the min. system distance of 22.4, much larger than the max. system distance.
(Re-)set it to 9.5 and all will be good.
Setting min larger than max is asking for trouble (and a know issue, at least I seem to remember it got discussed, I can't find an issue though, nor the discussion, we should really prevent this)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

You're right, it solved the problem.
Now another question is I didn't specify such a system distance number before or after creating the score and also there were parts being generated without such configuration mistake. So how it may be set? Or is there any place to configure it globally effecting both score and parts (and even only just "some parts").

Sorry for making the already solved issue deeper but I hope to use Musescore as long as I can and wish to know what is what and for what reason.

In reply to by Ulgen

The parts have the same style->General settings the main score has. I'm not sure what other formatting you did, but other parts I reformatted made an automatic page break after the fourth line. This is probably where one of the settings (perhaps min system distance?) was applied.

In reply to by mike320

I looked into the XML on the extracted part and found there are about 17 slurs listed in measure 33. I clicked on the slurs to see if they were stacked on one another, but there are only the 2 you can see. The main score has about half as many slurs as the extracted part. The extracted part OP uploaded has about 25 slurs in that measure. I see the score was created using version 2.0.3 in windows. - This info is more for others on the forum than Ulgen.


I wonder if the inconsistency in the style settings led to the extra slurs in the XML? When I extracted the parts there were also 3 extra ottavas that extended to the end of the part stacked on top of each other. These are not in the main score.

In reply to by mike320

Could it be because I used an XML file for the first 20 measures generated from an old Finale file and then built the score and and added extra instruments which were not listed in the original XML file?

This may explain the "far from defaults" settings for formatting of texts.
But I think there's a general inproper defaults problem with my version of Musescore. Because I experience this topic's issue even if the file is originally created on Musescore.

And I thank you all for generous efforts and great contributions to topic.
You guys are really great!

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