So confused. What's the point of parts if editing a part changes all parts and the main score?

• Jun 15, 2017 - 07:04

Basic example:

I have a stave with a Cmaj chord on it. I want to create 3 parts. Soprano, 1 & 2 Alto. Then, I want to split this chord into three pages, one for each part.

I created 3 parts and there are now 3 tabs under the main score, but if I delete the C from one, it's deleted from all.

How do I go about creating the part pages with ONLY the part for the vocalist on their page for sectional rehearsal?

I must me a moron. :)


Parts currently can't handle being extracted from a single voice in a staff (although that feature is under consideration for version 3.0).

The "normal"/intended use case is for the score to contain all staves/instruments (think orchestral here) and then each instrument getting its own printout.

So in your scenario, you'd need the master score to contain 3 instruments, one for each soprano and one for the alto. The generate a part for each of those.

In going from condensed single-staff notation to multi-instrument notation, have a look at the Explode command:

Not sure if it helps but

1. Create a flute score, add a C major chord in the first measure
2. Press i and add two more flutes (adapt with your instruments)
3. select the first measure of the first flute, and go to edit > tool > explode
4. You should now have one note per staff, go to File > Parts > New all
5. You now have a part for each instrument.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Awesome. This works, but in this, I ran into a problem. What I did:

I created a MIDI clip in Ableton and wrote in the parts to the whole song. This was BEFORE I knew about MuseScore.

After exporting the clip from Ableton as a midi file, I opened it in MuseScore. It looks and sounds just like it should (although it adds staccato to each note which I can't figure out how to bulk remove.)

I then created three new instruments (S.A.T.) and copied the imported Piano stave to the Soprano stave. Then, I selected from start to finish on the Soprano stave and Exploded.

It worked. It filled the staves below it.

PROBLEM: In the song, the melody, which is intended to be sung by one person throughout the entire song, is sometimes the middle of the chord, and sometimes the top note of the chord. It's all 3 part harmony throughout.

So at those parts, on the individual parts scores, there are sections that need to be swapped.

Is there a quick way to select a measure on two staves on the main score and swap the notes?

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