erilliset stemmat viivastolta

• Mar 1, 2013 - 10:38

Voiko ohjelmasta kuunnella 4-ääniseltä viivastolta tenorin äänen erillisenä/yksistään?


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Pc ohjelma on Xp ja MuseScore versio 1.3. Iloitsin liian aikaisin neuvosta. MuseScore:Osaluettelosta aukesi vain yksi osio, ei siis Soprano, Alto, Tenor ja Bass. Kaipaan kuoroharjoitukseen näitä kaikkia! Miksi ei aukea? Kuka neuvoo minulle!

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Programma Pc ha Xp e la versione MuseScore 1.3. Ho gioito troppo presto per i consigli. MuseScore: Elenco delle parti ha aperto una sola partizione, non il Soprano, Alto, Tenore e Basso. Mi manca l'esercizio coro tutti questi! Perché non si apre? Chi mi consiglia!

In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you for your friendly Shoichi, when you could ever teach me the ability to "bend the wire model" (Finnish saying). I am a beginner, and previously worked as a program MIDISOFT the same way, every sound range the another lines. I guess, I was expecting a miracle of the MuseScore. Now I can start the work, four votes, four line base.

In reply to by Can you help me to open a Finnish forum at

In order to do so, I would like to get the translation for the following sentences:

* General questions and problems
** Ask for help. Before posting, it is recommended to search for an answer first.
* Documentation and translation
** Discussing the handbook and the Finnish translation of MuseScore


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