Combining Parts From Multiple Staves into One Staff (on certain pages)

• Jul 29, 2017 - 02:23

I understand this question was asked several times, but all the discussions I looked over were not exactly the solution I needed.

I would like to know how to combine parts from multiple staves into one staff on certain pages. The parts end up printing as if each was on its on staff, but on the score, both parts are merged together to save space.

When I mean certain pages, I imply that I want specific pages for the staves to be merged into one, and on others the staves un-merged. If I have rests, harmonic rhythms, or just one part playing (I can label it 1. to show that only 1st Part is playing), merging the staves would be useful. If I have heavily contrasting rhythms and merging would make the score unclear, I would not merge the staves on that page(s).

The individual sheet music should look as if each part has its own individual staff.

Example of what staves I would be merging (same instrument) and what I want the conductor score to look like in the files below.

Thanks for all the help! <3

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In reply to by Quinn Ouyang

In 3.0, you will have the possibility to export voices to their own staves but there is nothing yet for the opposite. I don't think anyone is working on this.

"If I have heavily contrasting rhythms and merging would make the score unclear, I would not merge the staves on that page(s)."

That seems very hard to automate with an algorithm.

You could probably make this happen now using some extra staves. Like, maybe two staves that will represent the actual part, then another that will represent the combined part. Unfortunately, I don't see a way to get the exact result you want without two *additional* staves that would be used for the score only, so they could be empty where you are using the combined staff. Maybe someone else has a more clever scheme. To me, it wouldn't be worth the trouble though.

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