How can I download version 2.0 (not 2.1)?

• Aug 4, 2017 - 20:56


I'm interested in using musescore for it's shapenotes plugin. On that page it says it only works with version 1.3 and 2.0. I downloaded the most recent version, 2.1, just to check, but it's quite right - it doesn't work at all on that version.

I found this page which suggests you can download 2.0, and clicked on the link for 'Mac OS X 10.7 or higher', but I was given version 2.1 again.

I know 2.0 will be out of date in other respects, but is there a way to download this older version?



No need to download an older version for that plugin; the current version of the plugin does work in MuseScore 2.1 as well.
The plugin maintainer has been notified with a request to update the description on the plugin download page.

Just make sure to first select the region of notes on which the plugin should work.

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