Erratic Behavior when adjusting Chordname Formatting

• Jul 18, 2013 - 05:19

This report is similar to but an expansion of r1667.

When trying to adjust Chordname font size and offset using the Style/Edit Text Style/Chordname dialog, the following occurs:
1) Changes made do not immediately appear in the score. I have to save the file, close and then re-open it for changes to appear.
2) Changes do not affect all Chordnames in the file.

When trying to adjust Chordname font size and offset using the text properties dialog for individual Chordnames, I can make one change to an individual Chordname, then successive changes cause it to disappear. Hitting "undo" restores the Chordname. If I use the same dialog, if I check the "apply to all elements of same type" box and make a change (that I can't completely do with the Style dialog) it will change some Chordnames and disappear others.

I have attached a file in which I have been experiencing this problem. Start at abt. meas 91 to see some entries that are 10 pt. that you can play with. Also, try to change one of the chords on p. 2 (if it is 12pt) and watch it disappear.

Hope you can help. This is very time consuming.


Attachment Size
LFTMAD Guitar.mscz 6.46 KB


Generally speaking, font properties don't work for individual chordnames. Chordnames are displayed using explicit rendering instructions stored in the various chord description files. Changes to the overall global chordname text style are the way to change the appearance of chordnames (or changing to a different chord description file), but the change will be global.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the reply. If I understand you correctly, you say to use the global chordname texyt style to change all chordnames in the file. However, as I mentioned in my first post, this doesn't work reliably for all chordnames in the file. It also requires a save/close/re-open sequence to actually see changes.

Using the local text style for individual chordnames does produce instant results, but I believe that you are recommending that I not use that method.


In reply to by SAFVet

It is true that most text style changes require a reload. But it *should* affect all chordnames. So my guess is that some things you think are chordnames are actually not. Either you accidentally entered them as plain text, or perhaps they were not recognized as valid chordnames, in which case they are basically rendered as plain text.

Using the local style may appear to have instant results, but I think you'll find they only affect the invalid chordnames that are already being rendered as plain text. Valid chordnames won't be affected by any changes to text properties aside from the global style. Even if, due to some bug I guess, they might appear to be affected temporarily in some isolated case or other, those changes won't survive a reload, because all valid chordnames are always rendered from scratch using the global text style setting and the rendering instructions in your chosen chord description file.

Feel free to post an example score you are having trouble with. EDIT: oh wait, you already did :-). Yes, many of these chords are invalid according to the chordname style you are using. You are using cchords_nrb, but that stryle uses "mi" for minor, not "m". So all the chords you have listed with "m" are invalid and therefore being rendered as plain text, not as true chordnames. Also, while NRB does use parens around alterations, you need to enter the chords without the parens, and they will be added for you during rendering. Chords entered with "m" or parens are invalid in this style. These chords therefore may not respect to chordname text style changes, but will respond to local changes. Still, you don't want to do it that way, as the unrecognized chords also won't transpose, not will "b" be turned in a true flat sign, etc.

For 2.0, you will have much more flexibility in how you enter your chordnames. Everything you have in this example will work right out of the box.

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