Font-Problems in Windows

• Nov 22, 2009 - 07:59

Recommendation for the developer:
The TTF-fonts should be copied automatically into the windows font folder by the setup!
Write a tool, which converts the Muse-Score-Fonts into paths.


Greetings mjchael


If the Font was copied to the Fonts path the SVG file would still not work when you shared it with other people. This is a known issue that is mentioned in the handbook (see Export ). Do you know if anyone is interested in updating the German handbook. It is quite out-of-date.

In reply to by David Bolton

I know that sharing the SVG-Files is not possible. I tried to upload the file to the wikibooks:
old File…
the first version can not be seen, by missing the fonts.

Nevertheless the fonts should automatically be copied into the windows-font-folder.
How otherwise can I ungroup the objects and convert the text-objects in a path?
To "sharing" the SVG independently of any font is a very important feature. (except Arial - Courier and Times or better "serive, sans-serive, monospace", that should be readable by any Software.)

Creating an SVG-file which not even will be seen on the own computer is (gentle said) bullshit.

Corel-Draw is able to save a SVG-File without fonts. Fonts will be converted to paths. But Corel is changing the thickness of a path. So I have to readjust many painting-objects. That is not really productive.

You never can be assured, that you've forgotten to ungroup an object. Inkscape is not as comfortable as Corel-Draw. So it ist posible that a text or better a musical-symbol made by the MuseScore-font will remain. I will see the mistake not until uploading the file on the wiki-commons, because I have copied the font-files in my font-folder.

The best way to solve the problem is to convert automatically the fonts into a path. I guess there exist a tool, witch is able to manage this and witch can be built into the software.

The minimum requirement is to copy the needed fonts into the windows-font-folder by the setup. And this should be realized so easily, that anything else is a miserable excuse. This is not the non-plus-ultra but about lengths better than finding any answer in a forum, searching the files, (I found it in an Linux-setup-package, and fortunately do I know, that the packeges can be unpacked by 7-Zip. But how can a clueless user discover that?) and installing the files to windows by yourself. Not each composer is a computer specialist.
Greeting Mjchael

Just a couple of hours I'm working in MuseScore. I prefer to continue the guitar course on the german wikibooks. By that, I've more then enough to do. So I think, that I wouldn't be a valuable translator. And honestly said I have no time to care about member for your software-project. I'm engaged in many other projects, so that I have to budget my sinews.

By the way, it was not a problem of my ability to read the manual in English. Your proposal to read the manual more carefully, wouldn't have led me to success. You can see, that I'm not very familiar with the nicety of the English language, particularly in question of the style, but I get on.

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