open end of a measure

• Nov 7, 2013 - 08:32

When I start with an upbeat, and after 4 measures I end with a note of three counts I want to go to the next line and start with the fourth count. When I give an enter the barline is the end of the line. But I want to keep it open. Can you help me with this?? Would be so nice!!
> theo.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

thank you for your message.
My problem is this:
In 4/4 I start with an upbeat on the 4th beat. After six measures I place a note of three beats, and want to start the next line with the 4th beat . I have to ‘’BREAK’’ a measure. then the new measure starts. Sorry for my poor English that must make it difficult to understand. My fault , sorry! Hope you can give me the right solution.

hope to hear from you.


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