Lack of Sound/Kein Sound

• 4. Mai 2020 - 17:12

Hello, could anyone help me? I have downloaded Musescore and at first everything was working fine. But as of recently, I was unable to hear any sounds that Musescore produces (even though all other programs work fine). No notes played, no Midi connected...I have restarted my computer multiple times to address the issue and have even reinstalled the program. Strange :/

Hallo, kann irgendwer mir helfen? Nachdem ich Musescore gedownloaded hatte, funktionierte es einwandfrei. Aber seit kurzem spielt es keine Klänge mehr ab, weder Noten, noch Midi-Daten. Alle anderen Programme funktionieren ohne Probleme. Hat jemand irgendwelche Ideen? LG, Philipp.


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