selection filter on drum notes

• Jun 21, 2020 - 02:56

hey folks

having trouble doing the following:

i want to select all drum notes of a certain pitch, and replace them by selecting another pitch from the drumselector input mode.

so here is what i am trying:

1> click on the note i want to change.
2> select/more
3> choose same notehead, same voice, same pitch, same staff

Now i can see that all my drumnotes i want to replace are highlighted. so far so good.
4> now, when i open the drumselector and click on the note i want, all my highlighted drums vanish and i end up only being able to change the single note i have under my cursor.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have tried various toggels onnote input mode and such, but no luck



You got the selection, that's good. But you can't replace multiple notes using the palette or keyboard. What you can do is use Up/Down to cycle through the available drum pitches until you reach the one you want.

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