Sforzandos, etc.

• Jul 7, 2020 - 00:36

On piano... If I do not want dynamics like sforzandos to play... (though I want them to appear; I would put accent marks instead, not to effect the whole part.) I cannot even change the velocity to zero. I can do velocity change, but invisible accent marks are accurate, according to the dynamic.

I am transcribing Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 27 and as you can see in the IMSLP file, I would have to crescendo a few measures starting at measure 118 and then the sforzandos in the left hand would begin. This will not necessarily work well with MuseScore.


It would be interesting to see a modern version of this over 200 year old publication. Notation and interpretation change from country to country and generation to generation. Of interest would be the interpretation of some of the fp and sfp markings, considering that piano construction is very different today than in Beethoven's time. Just thinking out loud.
But I am wondering why you are making these transcriptions. Why you are is fine, but your approach would differ. It is not unusual for any notation software to have two different scores. One would be a version for real players. This score would be marked however you want, including a direct copy of an old score. The other score would be to get the software to playback the way you want. Sometimes the two scores are very similar. Sometimes not.

In reply to by Jjboss123

"... I would have to crescendo a few measures starting at measure 118 and then the sforzandos in the left hand would begin. This will not necessarily work well with MuseScore."
Why don't you adjust each of the sf dynamics so they gradually increase, to match the gradual crescendo. Listen to the attached sample score, and check the various sf values in the Inspector.

" All I am asking is that there would be a tick box for dynamics in the inspector."
What would the tickbox do? Negate the dynamic change i.e. have no effect (visual only)?

In reply to by DanielR

"What would the tick box do? Negate the dynamic change i.e. have no effect (visual only)?"
Yes. I would be able to put accent marks on those notes. I have not check your method yet, but it may just be all that work I am trying to prevent.

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