
• Aug 5, 2020 - 16:11

Status:Public Domain
License:To modify commercially

↑I narrowed down by the above conditions.
↓Then, the following songs were displayed.

license:public domain

↑Is it okay to use the midi data of songs whose license is public domain for commercial use?

For example, can I use it for my computer music?


Hello! Unfortunately this isn't a legal forum and I don't know that there are any lawyers here, plus the lawyers differ from country to country. So it's best to ask for help on a forum on a website devoted to the copyright law in your own country, whatever that happens to be.

But meanwhile, it was also help if you explained your question in a bit more detail. A "song" doesn't have MIDI data, but a particular arrangement of it might, it it happens to be available in that format or one that can be converted to it. But just because the song is public domain doesn't mean the arrangement is,, and since MIDI has only been around a few decades, chances are actually pretty good it is protected by copyright law unless there is a clear license statement releasing it to the public domain. So the answer probably depends on whatever the license for the MIDI file in question says.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for answering.

I narrowed down the songs under the following conditions.

Status:Public Domain
License:To modify commercially

Then, all the displayed songs were only public domain songs.

license:public domain

"To modify commercially" is a recognition that it can be modified.

I think the contributor has waived the copyright of the arrange.

Is my thought correct?

In reply to by daidai365

Depends on where you live.

In a lot of countries, including TTBOMK the entire EU, people cannot waive their copyright at all. Works enter the Public Domain on the 1ˢᵗ January following the 70ᵗʰ death-day of the last co-author alive.

People can, however, licence their contributions under CC0, which allows you to licence the work as you wish.

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