Does Sforzando Affect the Following Notes?

• Sep 27, 2020 - 13:20

Do I need to put a sforzando (invisible) text for every note in order to play in the same volume level as the first note? Or just keeping ONLY the first will affect the others too? I am not sure and I cannot really understand whether it affects the others...

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sf is a temporary increase in the volume of a note so you will need to put invisible sf's on each note affected by it. This is not necessarily a bad thing but it affects all of the following notes.

MuseScore implements this in the form of absolute velocities. A higher velocity creates a louder note. This means that every sf inserted from the palette has a start velocity of 112 and decreases 18 (velocity changes is set to -18 in the inspector). This is ok if you're notes are forte but really bad if your notes are piano. forte has a velocity of 96, so sf ends the note at around 96. The velocity change is a percentage of the max velocity of 127 so 18/127*100 = 14.2 and 112-14=96 so the end velocity is always forte. So putting sf changes all succeeding notes velocities to forte until another dynamic change.

If you are at a lower dynamic like piano, you need to change the velocity and velocity offset in the inspector to prevent the volume from suddenly changing to forte. You need to set the velocity to 56 (15% louder than p=49) and the velocity change to -10 (56-49 = 7, so 7/100*127 = 10) to get and end velocity of 49. Notice that I'm rounding everything. You can't put decimals in the velocity fields.

I am using a rule of thumb that says the attack on sf is 15% louder than the current dynamic. There may be other interpretations of the sf dynamic especially in certain songs but this is generally a reasonable rule to follow.

Once you set the velocities for the sf, you can copy and paste it or put it in a special palette so you use it on the correct dynamic and not confuse it with the default.

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