Contrabass Pizzicato will not change back to Arco

• Oct 4, 2020 - 09:35

I got the contrabass to switch to Pizzicato midway through the piece and that works fine, but it won't change back to Arco even though I followed the exact same process that worked for Pizzicato. I'm running MuseScore 3.5 on a MacBook Pro running macOS High Sierra.

Attachment Size
Russian_Orchestral.mscz 75.49 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

there is a bug lurking...

There is and you described it. If you add several changes between arco and pizz. from the palette these are ignored until you either play the score or open any staff text properties and click OK. It's only mildly annoying and I haven't bothered reporting it.

In reply to by Nathan Petrangelo

Why did the text palette succeed where the manual process failed?

Does this mean that you added the arco as staff text expecting MuseScore to automatically change the playback to arco? If so, you need to right click the text, choose Staff Text Properties... and select the proper voice number (usually 1) for the playing style (arco in this case). The text in the palette has the already set up.

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