Plugin to shortcut to Export as .MID without prompting
Hello people, I am making an script in REAPER that automatically import to the session an MID file if something in it was changed in it,
If musescore could automatically export in .MID without asking me for a name would be great.
Is that possible with plugins? Haven't tried coding it yet: just to export as mid without prompting. The name and the path can be defined in the code itself for me, or use where the score is saved.
thanks a lot :)
In reply to Check… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks a lot jojo!
In reply to Check… by Jojo-Schmitz
Can musescore plugins work in the background in a constant loop ? I haven't looked yet the manual but will soon
Haven't tried it, but what about something like this:
In reply to Haven't tried it, but what… by ecstrema
that would export your score to a midi file every 10 seconds. There would probably be a way to check if the file has been modified before with FolderListModel, but that would require a more complex solution.
In reply to that would export your score… by ecstrema
Wooooow Marr Thanks a LOOOOOT I will test as soon as an job I am doing end. Haven't found time this week to work in my scripts, but the weekend is coming !
Seriously thanks!