Accents Not Playing(?)
I tried testing the accents and look for what settings there are for it...
But when playbacked I couldn't hear the accents take effect, no volume change. Here's the score:
Also... I was thinking, is it possible to adjust the final volume of the note with the accent AND how the duration of the decrescendo?
Version: Linux Nightly 11/25
It's weird because I tried it some other time but worked then... Maybe I was using HQ soundfonts this time.
In reply to It's weird because I tried… by [DELETED] 32872726
Maybe I was using GeneralUser... Could Musescore implement those two options, one for changing the speed of decrescendo and one for changing the final dynamic? I'm not super crazy about it but it sounds like a fine idea to add, if you want to make playback a tad better.