Plug and play midi keyboard frequently stops working

• Dec 18, 2020 - 20:15

I have Musescore installed on a Windows partition on a Mac. I use a Kestation Mini32 keyboard with it. Frequently the program will stop recognising the keyboard. I've tried all the commonly recommended fixes - restarting audio and Midi devices, enabling Midi input. I always ensure that the keyboard is plugged in before starting my computer, and I usually open Musescore before opening any other programs that might use the sound card.

I suspect that this last point is key, as the problem most often occurs when I've opened, say, Youtube, and played a song, then returned to Musescore. Sometimes it will correct itself spontaneously, for no reason I can fathom, or if I open a new file in Musescore, or restart the program. Other times I have to restart my computer entirely, which doesn't always work. Conversely, tonight the problem is happening every time I click on another program, even if it's not an audio program. I'm trying to transcribe a score from a PDF, and if I click on the PDF, then return to Musescore, it;s stopped recognising the keyboard.

The keyboard is plug and play. The cable seems to be fine, and the device installs itself correctly. I'm not trying to input notes from the keyboard, just play the notes.


Windows has an option to power down (USB) devices when it thinks they are no longer in active use. If it does so, it might be that when "waking" that USB port again, the internal device handler would be created anew and thus no longer matching the one known to MuseScore.
Try disabling that option (I believe possible via device manager, but an internet search should be able to get you the correct instructions for that).

In reply to by neil-e

Sorry it didn't work out though :(

But I just remembered another windows quirk; it has the option for the sound devices to have "exclusive access", meaning that one program can lock out all other from a given sound device. As the MIDI keyboard probably isn't really a "sound device" in the windows sense, I'm even less hopeful that that is what you should be looking for..

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks again. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to have changed anything either. This time the keyboard was playing one moment, and then stopped, without me having opened any other programs or done anything that would seem to have had any connection to it.

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