Peculiar distance between two particular staves

• Dec 29, 2020 - 13:45

All of a sudden there is a massive gap between my Flute (on top) and Oboe (below) parts, despite there not being anything in either part that goes significantly above or below the stave. It's at least four times the normal gap. Altering the "Extra distance above stave" for the Oboe part does nothing, positive or negative values. All other style setting are unchanged from default. How to fix?


In reply to by Bute_man

Select the measures for the flute and oboe and press ctrl+r and the space should go away. You won't know what caused the problem but the problem should go away. You will have to redo other adjustments you made to these measures.

I assure you the people here trying to help you are not interested in stealing you work. One thing I encourage people to do is select the part of the score causing a problem and use Save selection to save just enough of the score to see the problem. Attach that so you can get proper help.

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