Musescore not responding

• Jan 1, 2021 - 08:27

I just downloaded file (attached) from that brings Musescore in the state "Not responding", consuming lots of CPU, and I have to kill the app to restart it.

Attachment Size
Brahms_Symphony_4_fourth_movement_.mscz 154.34 KB


In reply to by Adalbi Atskanov

?? Have a link to that score on

Edit: Ah, found it:

Brahms Symphony #4 fourth movement by jayW

Just leave a comment to the score there.
That way the user and the rest if thw world knows that this score hangs up MuseScore 3

Edit: that had been done already, see

It does open in MuseScore 2.3.2, saved there and then it does open in 3.5.2 too

It does open in a 3.x development build too (and directly), but reports corruptions:
Measure 77, Staff 12 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 48/48
Measure 161, Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 12/12
Measure 161, Staf f3 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 12/12
Measure 161, Staff 4 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 12/12
Measure 163, Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 12/12
Measure 163, Staf f3 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 12/12
Measure 163, Staff 4 incomplete. Expected: 3/4; Found: 12/12

And some debug output, a lot of:
Debug: tag in line 148342 col 15: frame (...\libmscore\xmlreader.cpp:208, void Ms::XmlReader::unknown())
Warning: text style <12> not known (...\libmscore\style.cpp:2536, Ms::Tid Ms::textStyleFromName(const QString&))
Debug: restHeight < 0.0: -107.243429
(...\libmscore\layout.cpp:1761, void Ms::layoutPage(Ms::Page*, qreal))

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