Betonungen einstellen

• Jan 16, 2021 - 08:35

Zunächst ein herzliches Dankeschön und ein großes Lob für Ihre fantastische Arbeit!
Sie ist von großem Wert!

Meine Bitte wäre, in die software ein Bedienfeld einzubauen, welches individuelle Betonungseinstellungen für die gesamte Partitur erlaubt.
Z.Zt. werden alle Noten eines Taktes unabhängig von ihrer "Betonungshierarchie" gleich laut abgespielt. in einem 4/4-Takt werden also alle 16-tel gleich laut wiedergegeben, was meinem empfinden nach für einen recht unmusikalischen Vortrag sorgt. Momentan umgehe ich dies, indem ich in sehr zeitintensiver und mühevoller Arbeit jeder einzelnen Note unter "Anschlag" ihre eigen Lautstärke zuweise. Es wäre, so glaube ich, eine große Bereicherung für musescore, wenn es ein Bedienfeld gäbe, in welchem ich sowohl für eine einzelne Partitur als auch als Grundeinstellung z.b. den 16-teln eine feste Betonongsregel zuweisen könnte.

Z.B. im 4/4-Takt:

  1. 16-tel: Anschlag 0
  2. 16-tel: A. -15
  3. 16-tel: A. -10
  4. 16-tel: A. -15

  5. 16-tel: Anschlag -5

  6. 16-tel: A. -15
  7. 16-tel: A. -10
  8. 16-tel: A. -15

  9. 16-tel: Anschlag 0

  10. 16-tel: A. -15
  11. 16-tel: A. -10
  12. 16-tel: A. -15

  13. 16-tel: Anschlag -5

  14. 16-tel: A. -15
  15. 16-tel: A. -10
  16. 16-tel: A. -15

Meiner Erfahrung nach wird allein dadurch die Wiedergabe deutlich leichter und musikalischer.
Besten Dank vorab und viele Grüße!!



This could be done via a plugin, so I suggest doing some thinking about how you'd like the algorithm to work, then ask on the Plugins forum to see if someone wants to help write one.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Mr.Sabatella,

thank you very much for your answer and this information. I will post it on the Plugins forum and hope that somebody with programming skills is willing to write a Plugin. But to be honest, I think that the distinction between light and heavy beats for correct time signature reuse and a corresponding program feature are of such fundamental musical importance that it should be an integral part of the main program.

I think that such a feature would enrich musescore quite a lot.

Best regards!!


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Dear Mr.Sabatella,

I totally agree with you that there would be quite different opinions on the different values regarding the effect. What I spontaneously imagine is some kind of a new window opening up (like e.g. for the settings) with 17 input fields. The first field would be there for entering the "base note value" (e.g. a crotchet) and the 16 remaining fields for entering the individual "effect values" for each (in this example) semiquaver.
What do you think about that?
Once more I would like to emphasize how much better the playback sounds if there is a differentiation between the different counts/beats.

In reply to by Polyphonicus

Dear Mr.Sabatella,
in the appendix I have uploaded a sheet music example for the different sound qualities. I think this clarifies my thoughts. In the first example, the playback sounds very mechanical, monotonous and after a while quite exhausting for the ear. The second example, on the other hand, sounds more musical, lighter and much more pleasant for the listener. What do you think about it?

In reply to by Polyphonicus

I totally agree that improving the playback, as a free and OpenSource alternative to all paid (and mostly expensive) options around, is a very valuable mission and one of the greatest challenges for the future of MuseScore. I have the same opinion that such basic features should be integrated with MuseScore at some point. But I recognise that it is subjective and there are many things that could be implemented in this sense. Considering all this, I think starting developing them as plugins is indeed a good strategy, since plugins are more flexible, can be edited and extended by anyone directly on the MuseScore GUI without having to touch the C++ code and recompile the whole programme and they can be updated independently of the main software. Once we have a working version, those plugins should be distributed with MuseScore. And eventually their functionality merged in the C++ code, if they for example run faster as compiled code.

Regarding this topic, I think such beat-dependent velocity changes are great, but there is a lot more in this sense that could be done, like I said. Check my modification from your Hörbeispiel where I manually "randomised" the duration of the notes a bit (keeping the beat notes with 100% duration) and added manually some small tempo changes to get a bit of a rubato (with some randomisation as well).

In reply to by Ludwig van Benteuer

Hello Ludwig van Benteuer,
it is great to get a reaction on the subject!! Thank you for your nice sheet music sample, which I listened to.

I have a question about plugins.
Unfortunately I don't have any programming skills myself. Is it possible or customary to suggest a plugin in the plugin forum and ask someone to create such a plugin? Or would that be inappropriate? If that were ok I would like to make such a request. Thank you in advance and best regards


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, you are right that this can be done with a plugin. I remember Finale (10 years ago) had a built-in function that randomized the velocity of notes within user-set parameters. It was called "humanizer" or "randomizer" or something like that. I am remembering that it was even able to discern where the beat was and adjust the velocity based on the beat. But that may be a false memory.

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