Issues with 3.6 Style Defaults

• Jan 30, 2021 - 22:37

Hi all,

First time posting here, hopefully this format is okay! So update 3.6 is really cool, and Leland is really nice, but I still much prefer Times New Roman over Edwin. I have two problems:

First, I saved a new .mss style file using Times New Roman and thinner lines (which I significantly prefer, since it makes the notes look MUCH sharper) and set it to be the default style. However, any time I create a new file, it defaults everything back to Edwin. I'm absolutely sure I saved the style correctly, as when I manually select Format > Load Style... it correctly goes to the style I saved (screenshots attached below). I tried restarted Musescore as well as my computer itself, and it still had this problem. In theory it's not too much hassle to just manually select Load Style each time, but it's still kind of annoying, and it didn't have this behavior before 3.6, so I was wondering if it was a bug. Edwin Default.png NSM Style.png

Second, my score is rendered with Times New Roman locally, but when I push it to the website, it renders with Edwin (screenshots attached below). I tried a few different ways to upload it, but it didn't work. Any ideas? Local Render.png Remote Render.png

Thanks in advance, and keep up the great updates!! :)


In order to investigate, we would need you to attach your score and the MSS file in question For me loading an MSS works as expected in 3.6.1, whether I do it manually via Format / Load Style or setting it as my default in Edit / Preferences / Score. Although there is a known bug involving cases where you are deliberately trying to have different style settings between score and parts where this doesn't survive save/reload properly. Also, in 3.6.0 (but not 3.6.1) there is a bug where default style settings don't override those in templates, although they do override settings in scores created via "choose instruments". So maybe that is what you mean? is, update to 3.6.1.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hey Marc, thanks for the reply! I've referenced your super helpful forum responses a ton over the years—so it's nice that I finally have the chance to thank you for those! I just downloaded 3.6.1 (didn't realize it was out—the automatic update didn't suggest it to me, even when I manually checked for update) and the first problem about default style settings was resolved, as you said! However, the second problem is still there. It's strange though, because the font on-site is a different font now that's closer to Times New Roman, but still is different (note the quotation marks, for example). Upload 3.6.1.png

Attached is my MSS file. Thanks again for the help!!

Attachment Size
NSM 3.6.mss 61.03 KB

In reply to by Kaphita

Thanks for the kind words, glad I've been able to help in the past!

I see your MSS file, but not the actual score or steps to follow in order to reproduce a problem. BTW, the auto-update usually lags behind a few days on purpose, as well want to make sure there are not major issues before pushing the update out to everyone.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ah, that makes sense for the auto-update! And I actually think the problem is resolved now; I just checked my other score on-site, which is also in Times New Roman, and it has the same thing with being a slightly different font, which leads me to believe that the on-site version of Times New Roman is just different from the one in the desktop app. But at least it's displaying in Times New Roman instead of Edwin now, so I'm happy enough with that! Thanks again for your help :)

In reply to by Kaphita

To be clear, Times New Roman is not a font provided by MuseScore. If you are using it would have to be something you installed separately, or maybe it came with your computer (WIndows computers do normally have such a font, not necessarily others). If you plan to share your score with others - including via - best to stick to the built-in fonts. meaning, for serif fonts, FreeSerif, or now Edwin. Anything else guarantees differences here and there. Maybe not a problem, but it sounds like,e it's a concern to you, so worth knowing.

In reply to by Kaphita

To be clear, no version of MuseScore includes Times New Roman. Probably it came with your computer, but it doesn't come with them all. If you care about consistency of your fonts from system to system you have only two options for traditional serif fonts: FreeSerif (the old default) or Edwin (the new one).

In reply to by Kaphita

Another is the same reason automobiles don't come with more coffee. It's fine to drink coffee in the car, and cars come with cupholders to facilitate this, but it's really up to you to get your own coffee. Similarly, it's fine to use different fonts with a notation program, and the notation program provides support for third-party fonts to facilitate this, but it's really up to you to install your own fonts.

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