+ and ° drumset notation

• Feb 18, 2021 - 20:06

Hi guys !

I'm trying to write something for a drumset but I have never done it before. There's a lot I don't understand about drumset notation (I basically can't read it excpet for the rythm) and this is why I am here.

How would I go about adding + and ° symbols over (or under) notes ? (c.f 3rd and 4th line on this image) df719b4be559ae560611565fbf7107ea.png

I'm lost, thank you all in advance for your help.

Attachment Size
df719b4be559ae560611565fbf7107ea.png 144.1 KB


These symbols are on the Articulations palette. They can be used for different purposes, but here, I assume they are indicating the hi-hat cymbals being opened and closed with the pedal.

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