Multiple D.S. al Codas in a score

• Feb 12, 2021 - 03:42

I put together a medley of tunes - six or seven - and 2 of them need a da Segno al Coda in them - separate signs and codas!. The first works as expected, but the second gets really confused.
Has anyone run into this? Any hints about how to enter the signs and D.S. al Codas so both work properly?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for the response. I did try section break, but the second D.S. al Coda went back to the first sign (Segno) I put in. So, for grins, I used inspector to have a look at the 2nd D.S. and saw how it was set up to return to the Segno. Realizing there were several variants of the Segno sign in the palette , (I had already tried a variant for my 2nd D.S. al Segno), I looked at this sign with Inspector - it's "marker Type" is "Segno Variation", and it's Label (Aha!) is "varsegno". Going back (forward in the score...) to the 2nd D.S., I looked at it - at the end of the inspector window display is its properties - including "Jump t:o:" - BINGO! I put "varsegno" in that field and it works perfectly!!

I suspect, but haven't tried, that you can change the label on a specific Segno on your score, and set the corresponding D.S. al Segno to "Jump to:" that newly-labeled Segno!! If anyone does this, let us all know!

Looking at the many support responses in this forum gave me a LOT of information, and encouraged me to mess around a bit more with Inspector! Powerful tool!!



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