How to decrease the space between notes by default

• Mar 22, 2021 - 17:19

Because of lack of time, I share it here in the English forum. It came up from the German forum ( The user want to create a songbook. In the attached example there seems to be much space between notes in some measures (for example in measure two, four, six or eight).
Of course you can change the horizontal offset of chords individually inside the inspector, but for 250 songs it would be very time consuming.
Is there a better way with adjustments in format->style...? I played a little bit around with the measure properties there (spacing and minimum note distance), but not really with success.

Attachment Size
010.mscz 13.02 KB


Thanks for first replies until now, I shared this thread to the OP in the German forum topic, I think, maybe he will reply or we will mediate ;-).

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