Fast Notes Do Not Sound Clear and Crisp

• Nov 24, 2024 - 13:19

Hey all,

I am trying to mess around with faster tempos and the playback of faster notes in faster tempos seems very slurred/mumbled together.

For example -
You can hear all the individual notes in the first bar and they sound very crisp. Yet, in my re-creation on musescore, the notes seem rushed and the melody is crushed.

OS: macOS 13.0, Arch.: arm64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.2-242570931, revision: 3130f97

Thanks for your help

Attachment Size
musescore playback bug.mscz 21.12 KB


The same occurs on the third bar where the violin jumps between two notes - the playback just sounds aweful. Sounds like the pedal is on for some aspects of it compared to the original piece on the youtube clip at bar 14 (35seconds in).

Would appreciate some help so I don't have this issue in any future pieces.

Attachment Size
playback issue2.mscz 32.27 KB

In reply to by bobjp

Hey Bob,

Thanks for your reply. So solo violin (Violin 1) doesn't refer to a singular violin but moreso its playing technique? I switched to Violins (section) and the clumpy playback went away for that section so thank you for that suggestion.

I don't think the reverb effects it that much though.

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