Too many articulations?

• Mar 22, 2021 - 20:59

Open the test file.
Select first measure.
In articulation palette click on "Accent above".
Result in my opinion: one accent to much!?

MuseScore 3.6.2 AppImage on Linux Mint 20.1

Attachment Size
ArticulationTest.mscz 4.14 KB


Same on W10. I have the feeling that MuseScore did exactly what you told it to. Should it do that? I don't know. In the mean time, delete the extra accent or don't add them that way.

In reply to by bobjp

"Should it do that?". Yes. It is quite reasonable, if uncommon, to have an accent on a tied-to note. With a wind instrument it is instruction to the player to increase the amount of puff at that instant but not to re-articulate the note. I have seen and played examples where several consecutively tied notes are each marked with an accent to indicate a pulsing effect.

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