Keeping a score "in the frame"

• Mar 22, 2021 - 12:40

I use a wide screen - 27 inch iMac, and sometimes I have several MS files open at once. However, sometimes I'm only working on one file, and then the file seems to take a lot of space on the screen. It also moves around as I try to edit - though it seems to depend on what exactly I'm trying to do. It's not helpful in some note entry modes.

I'd really quite like a way to just pin it to the screen - so it doesn't move, and doesn't have loads of white space on either side.

I think there may be ways to get better control of this - probaby they're already features, but maybe I don't know them. Also getting control over other aspects of MS space, such as the Mixer, Inspector, Player etc. would be useful. I don't need them all the time, but it would be good if they didn't get in the way when I don't need them, but didn't reformat the screen much when I do want them.

Are there more things I need to know about the positioning of MS components within the screen?


You can turn off the autoamtic panning of the score with the aptly-named "Pan score automatically" button on the toolbar.

Not sure what you're doing regarding the additional components, they can either be docked or not, and they should remember their previous position and size when closed and reopened.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Couldn't replicate the problem this morning. I don't think it's a panning the score while playback issue.

Usually happens while trying to enter notes - something which sadly I still find confusing sometimes - or maybe quite often. Then the notes on the page start moving around - and in any case the part of the page I want takes up far too much of the screen.

Do the extra tools - Inspector, Mixer, Synthesiser panel etc. all use the same docking procedures? I'm not sure. Often I just want to get those out of the way, but with the option to bring them back quite quickly if I need to.

The problem is bound to occur again soon, so I'll try to see if I can replicate it when it does.

In reply to by dave2020X

The "pan score automatically" button doesn't only control playback, it also controls whether MuseScore opans the score during editing. Either way, the idea is the same: with this turned on, MsueScore will reposition the score as necessary to keep the current measure in view as the cursor moves. If you prefer to do this repositioning yourself, turn the option off.

All dockable windows use the same basic controls, yes. And they all have keyboard shortcuts to quickly close and reopen them.

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