Auto Save feature not working

• Jun 8, 2021 - 18:46

Observed on MuseScore 3.6.2 revision 3224f34/Windows 7

I am not just now really interested in the Auto Save feature, but it may figure into some testing I am doing on another matter, so I thought I would look into it.

I do not seem to be able to get it to work.

On Edit>Preferences>General, I have checked Auto Save and set the interval to 5 minutes. With a score open, after 30 minutes, I do not see that the file has been freshly overwritten.

I thought perhaps the file would not be automatically saved unless it was "dirty", so I made a change in the score, did not manually save the file, and waited 30 minutes. Again, I do not see that the file has been freshly overwritten.

What am I missing here?




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