Musescore 3 Not Responding
I've been trying to open Musescore to write something for someone in my drumline and it doesn't seem to want to open. Whenever I go to open it, it asks if I want to restore session. I hit no, and then it will try to continue but then say "Not Responding" and won't do anything else.
I've tried deleting it and reinstalling it, opening a specific score, and it still won't open. Someone help please. Thank you!
What OS (operating system)?
Have you tried re-booting the computer?
Also, see:
In reply to What OS (operating system)?… by Jm6stringer
Windows 10. I'll try that now. I shut down my PC whenever I'm not using it...
In reply to What OS (operating system)?… by Jm6stringer
Didn't work...
In reply to What OS (operating system)?… by Jm6stringer
The factory reset worked. I tried doing it earlier but didn't see the part about the -F. Thank you!