Dulcimer Tablature Problem

• Jul 11, 2021 - 19:13

Musescore 3.6.2 will not let me enter tab notes at every eighth note. It will only let me enter 4 notes per measure.

Attachment Size
Brinley_Mountain_Reel.mscz 9.87 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

That works but brings me to the next issue. In the key of D the C's are sharp. C# is played on the 6-1/2 fret (purely diatonic dulcimers don't have this fret). Tab shows this fret as 6-1/2 or 6+. Musescore will not accept another symbol after the 6. The plugin instructions say something about this that I don't understand. In any event the 1/2 or + really needs to be on the tab line. See measures 2 and 4 of Brinley Mountain Reel.

Attachment Size
Brinley_Mountain_Reel.mscz 10.84 KB

In reply to by cheyneyh

Well, you need to install and learn how to use this plugin. I haven't used it extensively yet, it has some limitations (as stated by the creator @rocchio), but it's definitely a big step forward and works fine.
See the GIF (the "+" is shown well). You need to select the first standard staff, then apply the plugin, which will fill the Tablature staff that has been set up before.

For the chords, maybe I'm missing something at this point, but it looks like you need to fill the standard bass notes in a second staff (this will be necessary for the E third string in the fourth measure third beat), before applying the plugin.
Then, you just have to hide this second staff in the Instruments dialog (shortcut "I") to keep only the Voice staff (I changed the sound to "Dulcimer", except for the last file "4bis Brinley..."), and the Dulcimer TAB staff

And your file in three differents steps:
1 Brinley_Mountain_Reel_0.mscz
4 Brinley_Mountain_Reel_0.mscz
4 bis Brinley_Mountain_Reel_0.mscz


In reply to by cadiz1

After creating the + symbols as "staff text" I was not able to move them down to near the 6's. Moving the +'s there just moved the tablature staff down that far. For myself it is adequate to read the sharps on the key signature but some of the people that I might be sharing tab with are beginning level and really need to see the + or 1/2 if the C is to be sharp. I need a better way.
Thanks for your input.

In reply to by cheyneyh

  1. You don't need to create a "+", the plugin does it for you. But of course, you still have to use this plugin. I guess you are a newbie with MuseScore? (feel free to consult the handbook, and of course ask for help on the forum)
  2. Because, according to your last comment, you ignore some common features of MuseScore. To prevent the created "+" from pushing the two staves apart by moving it down, you need to disable the "Automatic placement" of this "+". Either in the Inspector (F8), or with the shortcut "=", or Alt + mouse drag.
    But you could have created this "+" from the TAB itself (and not from the standard staff) and you would not have encountered this pitfall.
    For now, you can reset the original position of this sign with Ctrl (Cmd)+ R
    If the goal is only to get a pdf, typing the tablature can be enough. But if you want to share it or even just listen to it, it is really inaudible! Listen to it: 5bis Brinley_Mountain_Reel_0.mscz 😱
    Compared to: 4 bis Brinley_Mountain_Reel_0.mscz
    In the long run, the plugin is really "the" solution (pending/whishing a native feature for diatonic instruments)

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