Chord Symbol Playback not respecting score defaults

• Aug 13, 2021 - 02:30

I am working on a transcription/arrangement for a song and added chord symbols to my score. I turned off playback for chords on that score but they still play when listening back to the score.
Video of bug's behavior:

Attachment Size
My_Time.mscz 58.46 KB


In reply to by Conman1161

Indeed, to be clear: you may have turned off chord symbol playback for some other score, but not the one you attached originally.

If your goal is to turn off playback for all new scores you create, go to Edit / Preferences / Advanced and turn on "score/harmony/play/disableNew".

In reply to by Conman1161

To be clear: if you do it for the score before generating the part, that setting should be inherited. But after that, they - like all style settings - are independent. So if you wish to change it for a part after the fact, do it there indeed. If you then wish to apply that - or any - style setting to all other parts, hit the "Apply to all Parts" button. EDIT: however, I forgot - while style settings are independent for score and parts, for playback specifically, the score's settings always take precedence. Not sure why it's that way, but it seems to be the case.

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