
• Aug 19, 2021 - 17:01

My (Windows 10) Musescore went haywire yesterday.

I had to uninstall and re-install. Seems to work OK after re-install. However I noticed that the re-installed version of Musescore.exe in the "Bin" folder doesn't show any MuseScore3 icon.

Is this right or might it signify I still have problems.


In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you but there is still no icon. I followed the actions in the Help file carefully, and on invoking the

      "C:\Program Files\MuseScore 3\bin\MuseScore3.exe" -F    command 

MuseScore immediately reopens and will not let me exit until it has steered me through the creation of a first score.

So at what stage do I reboot Windows?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I was still having no success until a lightbulb moment occurred. Thus the problem has been solved because (as Frank Sinatra sang) I did it my way !!

Fortunately I had created a Win10 Restore point the day before MuseScore started misbehaving. And in reverting to that Restore point MuseScore came back complete with its usual icon in both MuseScore3.exe and the desktop shortcut, and helpfully also a pretty much up-to-date MuseScore3.ini

But thanks anyway for your suggestions -- they helped to prompt my solution.

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