Ability to add custom keyboard layouts to Musescore

• Sep 9, 2021 - 14:34

Recently got a new computer that has a Swedish keyboard layout. This doesn't exist in Musescore's installation, and it is a major hindrance when writing chord symbols and such. It would be helpful if this layout was either included in the Musescore install, or that custom layouts could be added in Musescore's directory, as most uncommon layouts can be downloaded online as .JSON files.


You are welcome to create a variant of the shortcuts.xml file for it and open an issue in the tracker to have it added in a future release.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Writing slashes and parentheses. Regardless of how small the issue might be it seems like an unnecessary barrier to entry that could be fixed with a 45kb .JSON file, or a simple folder that is labelled "keyboard layouts" where it could be added as an option. I'm no programmer, so i have no idea how one would implement something like that, but it seems like something that should be an option, unless the list of available keyboard layouts becomes more comprehensive.

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