Selecting section to loop

• Oct 3, 2021 - 10:13

I can't select the section I want to loop. It is 'stuck' on a small selection (as shown in the screen shot below) and I can't change that to the new section I want to practice.
I also have a general query as to how I find simple help. I, thus far, only use Musescore to practice singing of a score. So I'm a simple user but battle sometimes to find simple adjustments. Any suggestion where I find an index of features?

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2021-10-03 at 11.12.03.png 95.12 KB


Hi beeshish58,

I'm wondering if your loop selection issue is related the third bullet point in this post.

What steps were you taking to try to change or expand the selection? The link above explains that the Loop = your current selection, whatever that happens to be ... but this is apparent only on playback when MuseScore belatedly updates the blue Loop flags.


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