Zoom to selected item?

• Dec 10, 2021 - 20:14

When I need to make a positional fix and it has to be done by dragging, or I need to find that one available pixel to click on when I have overlaps with unmoveable items, I would love to be able to select a nearby object, and then when I zoom in, the zoom function considers the selected object to be "center", so it's always in the frame. This would save the frustration of zooming in, wondering where I am in the piece, and dragging the score around trying to find out where I was.


FWIW, manual adjustments pretty much never need to be done by dragging., it's almost always easier and more precise to do via the cursor keys (after double-clicking the element in most cases), or via the Inspector. Also, to select an element that is overlapped by another, just Ctrl+click repeatedly, which cycles through the overlapping elements at any position. Finally, if you do select a nearby element, no need to zoom in to get to the element you want in most cases, just use Alt+Left/Right to navigate element-by-element.

If you attach a score where you are having trouble, we can advise better as to the most effective way to perform the adjustment.

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