Note Stems to dictate Piano Hands

• Jan 3, 2022 - 17:45

Hi, I'm trying to figure out the cleanest way to mark that certain notes should be played with the right hand even when notated in the Bass Clef. I've seen some horseshoe shaped brackets in other programs but not musescore. I suppose I could put (r.h.) next to every note in question but that's messy. Thought about changing the stem direction up (for example, these A3's - picture attached) but the 'x' key swapped the stems of the entire beamed group up, not just the A3. Is there a way to isolate that A3 stem from the rest of the group? Or, is there a cleaner better way to notate this? I'm not a piano player by training.
Thanks! JSK


Is there a melodic reason for want this?
Looking at the screenshot you showed there isn't, nor is the duration of those A3's matching what's on the treble clef anyway.

Any fairly proficient player is likely to ignore those symbols as well and use their own most comfortable fingering/hand division logic as they see fit.

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