Crackling on Chromebook

• Jan 6, 2022 - 22:23

I have just installed Musescore 3 on my Chromebook.
I have used MS for years with Windows with no problems, but with ChromeOS there is constant crackling and popping.
Should I throw my my cute little Asus Chromebook in the trash bin?
(It didn't cost very much....)


Hopefully that won't be necessary!

There are a few things that can go on with Chromebook that are different from other Linux systems, but for the most part, it's the same things to check:

  • be sure you have the most recent version (3.6.2) and a supported build (AppImage)
  • Help / Revert to Factory Settings, just in case

then check Edit / Preferences / I/O and see if other devices make sense (I normally have ALSA / default).

Depending on other specifics of your system, you might find it helpful to set the PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC environment variable to an appropriate value - see for instance #284568: Distorted Sound with strange echo of input // Musescore 3 // Manjaro Linux. I don't find this necessary most of the time, but I do hear very occasional hiccups that I think are lessened with a value of 100.

Setting environment variables globally on a Chromebook is one of the things that is a bit different from other Linux systems. So if you get this far and the other suggests don't already fix it, let us know and we can walk you through how to test different values on your system then set it up. It's not hard, really, but right now we don't know if it's even relevant.

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