Time signature changes mess up layout and measure durations

• Feb 12, 2022 - 12:24
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

The size signs are not deleted. More precisely, they are removed, but the dimensional structure in the entire scope collapses and turns into chaos. Logically, the size icon should be removed while preserving the tact property. For example, the nominal duration of a beat is 4/4, and the actual duration is 3/8. So, after removing the icon, it should not be distorted, filled with pause and other changes, and in the whole work. That is, by removing the sign 4/4, the actual size should remain 3/8, and neighboring bars should not be damaged.


Title Тактовые размеры Clock sites
Frequency Many Once
Status active needs info

Deepl translate:
Takt dimensions are not removed. More precisely, they are removed, but the dimensional architecture in the whole score crumbles like a house of cards. Logically, the dimensional icon should be deleted while keeping the beat properties. For example, the nominal measure length is 4/4, and the actual measure length is 3/8. So after removing the size sign, the measure should not be distorted, filled with pauses and other "surprises", and in the whole work.

Takt dimensions probably is measure durations?

To remove a note (and not have it replaced by a rest) or a rest completly, select the note/rest and press Crl+Del

Edit: that translation doesn't make sense anymore, as the orginal text changed.
What do you mean by "size signs"? Time signatures?

Есть ещё одна недоработка в редакторе. Если знак размера скрыть (то есть сделать его невидимым), то он сдвигается вправо и загораживает собой первую долю. Причём так происходит только в первом такте каждой строки. На мои предложения сможет ответить только русскоязычный специалист, поскольку интернетный автопереводчик искажает текст. Скажу только то, что удалять размеры имеет смысл, по крайней мере в моих сочинениях. Особенно там, где размер меняется почти в каждом такте.

Another deepl translate:
there is another flaw in the editor. If you hide the size sign (that is, make it invisible), then it moves to the right and obscures the first beat. And this only happens in the first measure of each line. Only a Russian-speaking specialist can answer my questions since the text is distorted by the Internet auto-translator. I will only say that it makes sense to remove the dimensions, at least in my compositions. Especially where the size changes in almost every measure.

There are better methods to hide a time singature: via staff properties. But an invisible element can't really obscure other elements.

Please note that issue tracker should be kept in English, for the benefit of the worldwide developers team...

The size signs are not deleted. More precisely, they are removed, but the dimensional structure in the entire scope collapses and turns into chaos. Logically, the size icon should be removed while preserving the tact property. For example, the nominal duration of a beat is 4/4, and the actual duration is 3/8. So, after removing the icon, it should not be distorted, filled with pause and other changes, and in the whole work. That is, by removing the sign 4/4, the actual size should remain 3/8, and neighboring bars should not be damaged.

There is another flaw in the editor. If you hide the size sign (that is, make it invisible), then it shifts to the right and blocks the first note. And this happens only at the beginning of each line. I will also add that it makes sense to remove size signs, at least in my writings. Especially where the size changes in almost every clock cycle.

Sorry, but this doesn#t make it much clearer, not to me at least.

If you delete a time signature, the previous time signature takes over. That in turn does indeed 're-bar' the entire rest of the score (until the next time signature), including the deletion of system breaks. That much is by design and unavoidable

Title Measure durations Time signature changes mess up layout and measure durations
Status needs info active

Is that title matching what you mean?

If you change a time signature, the all measures aftwer that time signature change, that changes the layout. No way around that.
Deleting a time signature, means changing to the previous one, so is such a change, so see above.

A measure who's actual diration had changed, would also get changed tpo the new or in case of deletion, old, previous) time signature. Whether this measure's actual duration should or could be kept is highly questionable.