Repeat chorus at beginning and end?

• Mar 21, 2022 - 22:27

I think this should be simple, but I can't figure out the repeats notation - the pattern is simply:
Intro, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Chorus. (The Intro is actually the chorus itself, without lyrics).

I did the notation with 2 lyric lines under a single set of notes for the verse melody.

I've tried various combinations with repeats, segno, coda, D.S. al fine, etc - I'm struggling to write notation properly to get the playback to follow that pattern.

Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help me learn!
(simple score attached)

Attachment Size
repeats and jumps testing.mscz 7.21 KB


Most straightforward for a human reader is intro |: chorus (to coda) verse :|, followed by a DC al Coda, then the final chorus as the coda. This most closely models how people would naturally think of it anyhow.

Add a note to the first repeat barline to indicate it should only be taken first and last time.
To trick MuseScore into that playback, increase the play count at the end of the verse by one and add a hidden "D.C. al Fine" and "Fine" marking at the chorus end.

Example attached

Attachment Size
330581-repeats and jumps testing.mscz 7.18 KB

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