starting a stave in the middle of a system (?)

• Mar 25, 2022 - 14:32

so i have been transcribing LIszt's Beethoven Symphony No. 9 arrangement for solo piano because no one has uploaded one yet, but i encounter a problem.
Screenshot 2022-03-25 222419.png

this phrase starts to become visible one measure after the system starts. and it also has the treble clef and the g minor key signature just before the measure. mine ended up looking like this:

any tips on making it look similar to the original score?

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2022-03-25 222419.png 159.87 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

BTW, the option is called "Cutaway" in English - and you'll probably also want to set "hide when empty" to "always". But, for those empty measures you do want to appear, you'll need to plant something to keep them from being hidden. Like, an invisible note in another voice, of a bit of white or transparent text.

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