What does it sound when a chord symbol is e.g. "Angry" or "Dr"?

• Sep 6, 2022 - 09:11

Hi. I´ve discovered -accidentally- that if a chord symbol is the note name (A, B, C... G) followed by any letter(s) other than the usual with musical meaning (m, maj, aug, etc) I get just the note (not the chord) but some octaves lower. Is it right?


Yes, playing the bass note only is what MuseScore does if it can't understand the chord. No, you can't specify which octave the bass note is played in. Not sure what you mean by "some octaves lower" - lower than what? Should be the normal bass range.

In reply to by Ruben Remus

I still don’t understand what you mean. A “C” chord consists of the notes consists of the notes, C, E, and G in any octave. All octaves. The usual way a pianist would actually play a chord in accompaniment is with the root in the bass range and the rest of the chord closer to the middle of the piano. So that’s what’s what MuseScore does too. The whole point is to sound like real accompaniment. No one would normally play chords on the piano as accompaniment without including a bass note.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I do know what a chord is and I know an X chord keeps being an X chord whatever the octave in wich it´s played. That´s why I am asking if I could choose the octave in wich the lowest note of the chord sounds. I´m not a pianist but in guitar accompaniment it´s not so strange to play a chord in different octaves depending on what sound you´re looking for. Anyway, thank you, Marc.

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