Can't open MS4 beta in Windows11

• Oct 30, 2022 - 14:11

I just download MS4 Beta on Muse Hub but I can't open it (it stuck on loading page and then it close) can anyone help me?


You didn't try to change where MU4 downloads to did you? I just downloaded the HUB and MU4 to my W11 machine without issue. MU4 opens. I haven't downloaded the sounds yet.

In reply to by peter huang 7189

Muse hub lives on your task bar. The program installs to C: Program files/MuseScore 4. The sounds install to C: ProgramData/MuseHub/Downloads/Instruments. Do you have those folders?

Do you have a desktop icon? Is it linked to the Program Files folder? You can launch it manually from the bin folder there.

Other than those things, I suspect there is a problem using bootcamp Windows. As you know it is not registered. Perhaps the hub did not install everything in the proper place.

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