Video Synch + midi

• Nov 9, 2022 - 07:37

Good morning,

I hope you are doing well :)

I discovered a few time ago, Musescore 4 and I am blown away by the user friendly interface. It is a great pleasure using it!

My questions:

-I would like to know if there is a way to import a video? So when I use the playback, it plays the music on the video?

-Second question, I can't play the instruments with my midi keyboard. The only instrument I can use is the piano, and there is a lot of latency. Any idea?

Thank you so much,

Have a great day,




Hello! There is no video feature, although it's the sort of thing one might reasonably expect to see added eventually.

I don't understand your questions about playing instruments with MIDI keyboard. MuseScore isn't meant for real-time performance, but for creating and playing back scores. If you want to actually play your keyboard in real time, best to use a program designed for that.

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